We find new solutions in an imitations market.
From the beginning alpaplastic has continuously introduced product innovation in every market, by cooperating with market leaders. This way of doing business, allowed alpaplastic team to gain experienc on innovation and "thinking out of the box".
70's years
Cooperation with the first world company in inventing car-theft systems, called "Elser".
80's years
First own product: 2 meters folding rulers
Project of an innovative joint between folding ruler sticks. This to obtain more rigidity (grip) between the sticks.
90's year
Technical cooperation with an important Italian company to invent the first anti-theft containers for music tapes and CD.
Plastic spools - the only ones who fit without glue
Usually all spools in according Din 46399 standard for thin steel wire, were made in two pieces, body and cap fixed by glue or welding.
At the time of the launch of the first DIN 46399 series spool (DIN 200 T22), alpaplastic turns the market upside down, studying a joint with the same strength and functionality as gluing, ensuring better quality.
The result is the well known "hex key joint".
Not only technical solutions, but also design
Introducing of "diamond looking" design in 3d printing filament market (RS 200 KD version) which highlights transparent spool brilliance.
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