Treedom: Sensitive to sustainability

Since 2021 alpaplastic has been supporting sustainable environmental development projects with Treedom

The aim is to bring benefits not only to entities directly connected to the company (customers, employees, suppliers) but also to the environment in general and to the people who live there. Hence, the choice to develop a collaboration that focused on environmental projects.

Just planting trees?

We decided to support Treedom because they don’t only “plant trees", but they directly finance real agroforestry projects, to create sustainable ecosystems and allow thousands of farmers to cover initial costs of planting. These are native trees or chosen in respect of the biodiversity of different territories. In addition to absorbing CO2 during their lifetime, they contribute to the funding of entire communities. The trees and their fruits remain farmers property.

Alpaplastic commitment

Alpaplastic undertook to plant trees in different countries. The partnership with Treedom allows us to contribute to achieve 10 of the 17 SDGS objectives identified by the United Nations :

Every single tree is geolocalized and identifiable in the following link:

View the map of Alpaplastic s.r.l. trees