Why choose us?

Italian creativity allows alpaplastic to think "out of the box".

Alpaplastic is a company with a really long experience in term of polymers transformation, more than 50 years. It was founded as a "service company" but after several years it started to produce its own products. alpaplastic now  is a well known brand in plastic spools market.
Innovation is a recurring matter in alpaplastic: its team studies everyday new technical solutions and uses raw materials which are different if compared to market standard.

3 key points

A growing company

In 2009, global economic crisis became for alpaplastic an irrevocable opportunity to renew itself and start a new development phase:

-  300% revenues increase in 10 years
-  more than 70% of export
-  business deals in 5 languages
-  constant investments in technology , production capacity, warehousing capacity (in the year 2017 +40%)

Efficient processes

Free-pass certification: complete product traceability and high quality standard; alpaplastic is situated in Italy, second European leading market in plastic industry.

Varese, located close to Milan, faced on its lake, is a very industrialised area with a huge number of companies : 50 every km2.

Our supply chain is really efficient.  As very flexible and near to Italian biggest logistic HUB we're able to offer just in time deliveries.

3D thinking

Alpaplastic has projected and prototiped in 3d for many years. Now we look to the future.

Alpaplastic is not only a pioneer in designing with 3d native software but is a three-dimensional partner: more than only selling products, it exchanges informations, gives technical support and cooperate with customers and suppliers.

Alpaplastic's aim is finding customers solutions by looking at the future.

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